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Always follow us on Facebook for the best promotions and discounts. Sometimes we offer roundtrip tickets even as low as...


Sometimes we offer roundtrip tickets even as low as $800 for Iran, and Middle East (including Tax and fee). Please check our special offer periodically. By joining our Facebook (and like the page) you also have this option to get your first airline ticket with $10 off. Every referral makes your next airline ticket $10 cheaper. In our system every customer will receive his/her own ID. If you refer somebody to purchase a ticket from us, after the new booking you will receive a $10 credit for your next trip. This means for example, if you can refer 100 people you will receive $1000 credit for your next traveling purchase. This confirmation will send you by a text message or an email. Even, if you want, you can receive 80% of your credit in cash.